Care Certificate
Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disabilities
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Duty of Care
Equality and Diversity
Fluids and Nutrition
Handling Information
Health and Safety
Infection Prevention and Control
Privacy and Dignity
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
Understand Your Role
Work in a Person-Centred Way
Your Personal Development
Care Skills and Competencies
Advanced Care Planning
Bladder Care and Management
Bowel Care and Management
Care after Death
Care Planning
Diet and Nutrition
Duty of Care Awareness
Nutrition and Hydration Awareness for Healthcare Workers
Palliative and End of Life Care
Person-Centred Care in Health And Social Care
Personal Care Awareness
Preventing Radicalisation Awareness
Safe Management of Linen in Healthcare
Safe use of Bed rails
Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention in Healthcare
Verification of Expected Death (VoED)
Clinical Skills and Training
Aseptic No Touch Techniques Awareness
Barrier Nursing Awareness
Blood Glucose Monitoring Awareness
Cannulation Awareness
Catheter Care Awareness
Chaperoning for Health and Social Care Professionals
Clinical Observation Skills for Healthcare Professionals
Dysphagia Awareness for Healthcare Professionals
Enteral Feeding (Including PEG) Awareness
Falls Prevention Awareness
Female Catheterisation Awareness
Male Catheterisation Awareness
Medical Equipments Awareness
National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) Awareness
Oral Health and Hygiene Awareness
Safe Use and Administration of Oxygen
Sharps Safety Awareness
Suction and Nebulisation Awareness
Suprapubic Catheter Care Awareness
Tissue Viability Awareness
Tracheostomy Care Awareness
Venepuncture Awareness
Consent in Health and Social Care
Dementia Care
Advanced Dementia Awareness and Care Strategies for Healthcare Professionals
Dementia - Dealing with Challenging Behaviour
Introduction to Dementia
Fire Safety
Fire Marshal Training
Fire Safety Awareness Level 3
Fire Warden Training
Risk Assessment and Management for Healthcare Professionals
First Aid and Resuscitation
Anaphylaxis Recognition and Management
Aspiration and Choking Management
Basic Life Support
Emergency First Aid at Work
Paediatric First Aid
ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment) Training
Food Hygiene and Safety
Diet and Nutrition
Food Safety and Hygiene
Health and Safety
Allergen Awareness
Asbestos Awareness
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Display Screen Equipment Awareness
Health and Safety Awareness
Legionella Awareness and Risk Management
Moving and Handling of Objects
Moving and Handling of People Level 1
Moving and Handling of People Level 3
RIDDOR Awareness
Infection Prevention and Control
Cleaning and Disinfection Awareness
Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI) Awareness
Communicable Diseases Awareness
Donning and Doffing PPE for Healthcare Workers
Gastrointestinal Infections Awareness
Hand Hygiene Awareness
Infection Prevention and Control Level 1
Infection Prevention and Control Level 3
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Awareness
Neutropenic Sepsis Awareness
Norovirus Awareness
Mandatory Training
Allergen Awareness
Anaphylaxis Recognition and Management
Autism Awareness
Basic Life Support
Communication Skills in Health and Social Care
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and Mental Capacity Act
Dignity, Privacy, and Respect in Care
Duty of Candour
Emergency First Aid at Work
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
Falls Prevention Awareness
Fire Safety Awareness Level 3
Food Safety and Hygiene
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Awareness
Health and Safety Awareness
Infection Prevention and Control Level 1
Infection Prevention and Control Level 3
Information Governance
Information Governance (Scotland)
Introduction to Dementia
Learning Disability Awareness
Medication Administration and Management
Mental Health Awareness
Moving and Handling of Objects
Moving and Handling of People Level 1
Moving and Handling of People Level 3
Nutrition and Hydration Awareness for Healthcare Workers
Oral Health and Hygiene Awareness
Person-Centred Care in Health And Social Care
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Non-Restrictive Practice
Record Keeping for Healthcare Professionals
Safeguarding Children Level 1
Safeguarding Children Level 2
Safeguarding Children Level 3
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Level 1
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Level 2
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Level 3
Medication Training
Administration of Injectable LHRH Agonists Awareness
Anticoagulants and Other High-Risk Medicines Awareness
Anticoagulation Awareness
Buccal Midazolam Administration
Managing and Administering Controlled Drugs
Managing and Learning From Medication Errors
Medication Administration and Management
Medication Competency Assessment for Health and Social Care Professionals
Medication Management for Domiciliary Care
Principles of Advanced Medication Management
Suppository Administration for Healthcare Professionals
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and Mental Capacity Act
Dignity, Privacy, and Respect in Care
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health First Aid
Suicide and Self-Harm Awareness and Prevention
People Skills
Communication Skills in Health and Social Care
Complaints Handling Awareness
Customer Service Awareness
Cyber Security Awareness
Enhancing Wellbeing in Personal and Professional Settings
Health Education and Promoting Wellbeing
LGBTQ+ Awareness
Professional Supervision Practice in Health and Social Care
Research Methods in Health and Social Care
Resilience and Staff Wellbeing
Team Management in Health and Social Care
Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care
Regulatory Compliance
Conflict Resolution in Healthcare and Professional Settings
Duty of Candour
Environmental Sustainability Awareness for Healthcare and Care Homes
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Awareness
Information Governance
Information Governance (Scotland)
Record Keeping for Healthcare Professionals
Domestic Violence and Abuse Awareness
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
Lone Worker Safety
Safeguarding Children Level 1
Safeguarding Children Level 2
Safeguarding Children Level 3
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Level 1
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Level 2
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Level 3
Specialist Training
Acute Kidney Injury Awareness
Anxiety Awareness
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Awareness
Autism Awareness
Bipolar Disorder Awareness
Complexities of Caring for Older People
Continence Management and Care
COVID 19 Awareness
Deteriorating Patient - Recognising and Responding to Acutely Unwell Individuals in Social Care
Diabetes and Blood Glucose Monitoring
Diabetes and Insulin Administration
Diabetes Awareness
Drug & Alcohol Awareness for Healthcare Professionals
Eating Disorder Awareness
Epilepsy Awareness
Frailty Awareness
Huntington's Disease Awareness
Learning Disability Awareness
Menopause Awareness
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Awareness
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Awareness
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness
Organ Donation: Principles and Practices for Healthcare Professionals
Parkinson’s Disease Awareness
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Non-Restrictive Practice
Rapid Tranquillisation in Clinical Practice
Reducing Restraints in Health and Social Care
Stoma Care Awareness
Stroke Awareness and Management
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism - Tier 1
Mandatory Training
Learning Disability Awareness
Course Catalogue
Mandatory Training
Learning Disability Awareness
Content will be updated soon!